2009 source ~/.bashrc 2010 # testing 2011 # This is working 2012 # I promise 2013 pwd 2014 git init 2015 ls 2016 ls -a 2017 git status 2018 nano mars.txt 2019 cat mars.txt 2020 git status 2021 git add mars.txt 2022 git status 2023 git 2024 git commit 2024 git commit 2025 git status 2026 git log 2027 git status 2028 cat mars.txt 2029 git log 2030 nano mars.txt 2031 git status 2032 git diff 2033 cat mars.txt 2034 git commit 2035 git add mars.txt 2036 git status 2037 git commit 2038 git log 2039 cd .. 2040 mkdir iplant_workshop 2041 cd iplant_workshop/ 2042 ls ~/Downloads/Sunday_scripts.zip 2043 mv ~/Downloads/Sunday_scripts.zip . 2044 ls 2045 git init 2046 ls 2047 ls -a 2048 pwd 2049 git status 2050 unzip Sunday_scripts.zip 2051 ls 2052 git status 2053 git add Sunday_scripts.zip 2054 git status 2055 ls 2056 git commit -m "Initially add script zip file" 2057 git remote add origin git@github.com:strootman/iplant_workshop.git 2058 git push -u origin master 2058 git push -u origin master 2058 git push -u origin master 2059 git fetch 2060 git status 2061 git log 2062 git pull 2063 git log 2064 git pull 2065 ls 2066 nano setupProject.sh 2067 bash setupProject.sh 2068 ls 2069 ls data/ 2070 nano cleanData.sh 2071 git status 2072 git add *.sh 2073 git status 2074 git commit -m "Extracted zip file and added scripts" 2075 git status 2076 ls 2077 git add -A 2078 git status 2079 git commit -m "Ran the setup projects script" 2080 git log 2081 git log --oneline 2082 git status 2083 ls 2084 bash cleanData.sh 2085 git status 2086 git diff 2087 git status 2088 git diff data/clean/China.cc.txt 2089 git add data/clean/China.cc.txt data/clean/Guinea.cc.txt 2090 git status 2091 git diff 2092 git diff data/clean/China.cc.txt 2093 git diff --staged data/clean/China.cc.txt 2094 git status 2095 git reset HEAD data/clean/China.cc.txt 2096 git status 2097 git add -a 2098 git add . 2099 git add -am 2100 git status 2101 git commit -m "Ran cleanup script" 2102 git status 2103 ls 2104 nano combine.sh 2105 git status 2106 git diff 2107 bash combine.sh 2108 git status 2109 ls output/ 2110 cat output/combined_gapMinder.tsv 2111 git status 2112 git add output/combined_gapMinder.tsv 2113 git status 2114 git commit -m "Ran combine script to generate big tsv" 2115 git push 2116 git log 2117 git log --oneline 2118 vim ~/.bash_aliases 2119 cd 2120 cd git/swcarpentry/workshops/2015-02-21-iplant/workshop/02_Sunday/ 2121 ls 2122 ls 01_Sunday_am/ 2123 ls 01_Sunday_am/git-intro/ 2124 ls -a 01_Sunday_am/git-intro/ 2125 git pull 2125 git pull 2000 ls 2001 vim .bashrc 2002 source .bashrc' 2003 source .bashrc